Healthcare providers -whether doctors, nurses, midwives or clinical officers - work exceedingly hard and, despite their education, often struggle to make ends meet. MCI helps to provide salary support and educational opportunites for these essential staff so they can continue to provide compassionate care under difficult circumstances.
Contact us to find out more about these programs if you wish to help.
Healthcare providers -whether doctors, nurses, midwives or clinical officers - work exceedingly hard and, despite their education, often struggle to make ends meet. MCI helps to provide salary support and educational opportunites for these essential staff so they can continue to provide compassionate care under difficult circumstances.
Contact us to find out more about these programs if you wish to help.
Healthcare providers -whether doctors, nurses, midwives or clinical officers - work exceedingly hard and, despite their education, often struggle to make ends meet. MCI helps to provide salary support and educational opportunites for these essential staff so they can continue to provide compassionate care under difficult circumstances.
Contact us to find out more about these programs if you wish to help.
Healthcare providers -whether doctors, nurses, midwives or clinical officers - work exceedingly hard and, despite their education, often struggle to make ends meet. MCI helps to provide salary support and educational opportunites for these essential staff so they can continue to provide compassionate care under difficult circumstances.
Contact us to find out more about these programs if you wish to help.
Healthcare providers -whether doctors, nurses, midwives or clinical officers - work exceedingly hard and, despite their education, often struggle to make ends meet. MCI helps to provide salary support and educational opportunites for these essential staff so they can continue to provide compassionate care under difficult circumstances.
Contact us to find out more about these programs if you wish to help.
Healthcare providers -whether doctors, nurses, midwives or clinical officers - work exceedingly hard and, despite their education, often struggle to make ends meet. MCI helps to provide salary support and educational opportunites for these essential staff so they can continue to provide compassionate care under difficult circumstances.
Contact us to find out more about these programs if you wish to help.

How You Can Help
Donate Directly
Every penny donated goes directly toward locally-directed initiatives to improve the lives of Malawian Children.

Become a Sustainer
Set up monthly contributions. Sustainers allow MCI to budget and plan for the future. Click the "Donate" button or email us and we'll sign you up!

How Your Support Helps
$8 USD augments locus salary for a nurse's 12-hour shift at Kamuzu Central Hospital, dramatically improving care in the pediatric ward
$30 funds a child's primary education for a semester
$100 funds a child's secondary education for a semester
$100 funds the operations of the KCH Pediatric laboratory for a day
$150 provides a life-saving CT scan
$200 provides daily meals for a month to about 20 guardians caring for their children in hospital who would otherwise be unable to eat
$500 covers the monthly salary for a Pediatric nurse to care for children on the ward