Healthcare providers -whether doctors, nurses, midwives or clinical officers - work exceedingly hard and, despite their education, often struggle to make ends meet. MCI helps to provide salary support and educational opportunites for these essential staff so they can continue to provide compassionate care under difficult circumstances.
Contact us to find out more about these programs if you wish to help.
Healthcare providers -whether doctors, nurses, midwives or clinical officers - work exceedingly hard and, despite their education, often struggle to make ends meet. MCI helps to provide salary support and educational opportunites for these essential staff so they can continue to provide compassionate care under difficult circumstances.
Contact us to find out more about these programs if you wish to help.
Healthcare providers -whether doctors, nurses, midwives or clinical officers - work exceedingly hard and, despite their education, often struggle to make ends meet. MCI helps to provide salary support and educational opportunites for these essential staff so they can continue to provide compassionate care under difficult circumstances.
Contact us to find out more about these programs if you wish to help.
Healthcare providers -whether doctors, nurses, midwives or clinical officers - work exceedingly hard and, despite their education, often struggle to make ends meet. MCI helps to provide salary support and educational opportunites for these essential staff so they can continue to provide compassionate care under difficult circumstances.
Contact us to find out more about these programs if you wish to help.
Healthcare providers -whether doctors, nurses, midwives or clinical officers - work exceedingly hard and, despite their education, often struggle to make ends meet. MCI helps to provide salary support and educational opportunites for these essential staff so they can continue to provide compassionate care under difficult circumstances.
Contact us to find out more about these programs if you wish to help.
Healthcare providers -whether doctors, nurses, midwives or clinical officers - work exceedingly hard and, despite their education, often struggle to make ends meet. MCI helps to provide salary support and educational opportunites for these essential staff so they can continue to provide compassionate care under difficult circumstances.
Contact us to find out more about these programs if you wish to help.

Help Malawi Children's Initiative raise funds to build a clinical laboratory for the Pediatric Ward of Kamuzu Central Hospital in Lilongwe, Malawi.
WHAT Ever want to run for an hour at 2 AM, or join a team of friends to complete a 24 hour event. Now is your chance!!
Sign up as an individual for anywhere from 30 minutes to 24 hours of running. Or organize a team to compete against other teams with the goal to complete the most laps in a 24 hour period, starting at 6:00 PM on Friday, April 5th and ending at 6:00 PM Saturday April 6th.
Then join in the fun at the end of the race with live music, food trucks, beer trucks and friends from 4 PM until 830 PM.
WHEN April 5th 6:00 PM until Saturday April 6th 6:00 PM
WHERE Southern Village Green
400 Market Street, Chapel Hill, NC 27516
See course map to right.
HOW Sign up below on Red Button.
Then get pledges per lap run.
Course Map

The Ron Wayne Band
Step Over Mars
As Yet Untitled.

Pledges and donations
Reach out to family and friends to sponsor you for every lap you run. Donations can be given through Facebook (Blue Button) or PayPal (Yellow Button)